Prayer Time Table
October 14, 2024
Fajr Iqamah
6:15 am5 Hours 12 Minutes |
Prayer | Fajr | Sunrise | Zuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Begins | 5:51 am | 7:26 am | 12:52 pm | 4:16 pm | 6:11 pm | 7:30 pm |
Iqamah | 6:15 am | 1:45 pm | 5:00 pm | 6:11 pm | 8:15 pm |
About Us
The masjid was founded in 1986 by Maulana Muhamma Munirz Zaman Chishti and Maulana Azam Chishti with the help and support of the founding trustees Maulana Luqman Faruqi, Haji Muhammad Rashid.
The bookshop also has a well stocked bookshop, established in 1991, catering for the needs of the local community.
Community Kitchen
Ladies Hall
Class Rooms
Main Hall
What We Offer
Our mission is to serve the community.
The Kitchen serves the requirements of large mehfils and monthly Giyarnvi shareef.
The ladies Hall is accessible from the main road and is large enough to accommodate 120 ladies.